Back in the USA
I have been out of Kenya now for a week and a half and back in the USA just short of a week. What I am most noticing is a profound sense of belonging nowhere. The long bicycle trip at the start of my sabbatical rewired some portion of my brain in such a way that sitting still feels wrong. Movement is natural, stillness is not. In Kenya the constant movement of people along the roads and at the Seminary was a reminder of their constant struggle just to survive. They graciously received my as a guest, but not without the constant reminder that because I had access to and control of resources, I would always be set apart there too. Moving in and out of their lives, offering support and prayer, but knowing I would move along in time kept the sense of motion alive.
But now I am back in San Diego and there is a chafeing sense built from being still after moving for so long. I suspect that the challenge for me will be in establishing yet another sense of movement that can tap into the energy of the sabbatical.
Time for a bike ride......